Thursday, 7 July 2011

War and Peace

Man, according to Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), is born selfish in nature thus displays this characteristic of his nature everywhere. The stronger habitually uses his power and authority against poor and dominates, deprives, exploits or even kills them. Thus men are said to be naturally at war with each other. It has been millions of years that the human life is existent on earth and numerous wars have been fought among individuals, groups and nations on several issues. One of these wars is the Afghan war that is now being fought for more than two decades.
The war initially started between the pro-Soviet Afghan government and its opponents Muslim fundamentalist groups in 1978. The Soviet troops invaded the country to help the regime. The United States of America sensed the severity of the situation and considered it as part of the communist desires of expansionism. To maintain the balance of power situation in the area and to safeguard its own interest, the US government intervened in the situation. Pakistan, the time-tested ally of the US, was once again made to act as a US base in the Central Asian conflict. The US government in the first place lifted the sanctions against Pakistan and provided them with economic and military aid. Secondly, training facilities and heavy supplies of arms and ammunition to Afghan warring fractions was also provided. The war continued for a decade and ended with the dismemberment of the USSR. The civil war in Afghanistan continued even after the withdrawal of the Soviet army. After the September 11, 2001 incident, the US government again targeted the Afghan land and people in their “ war against terrorism”. The operation continued till the US-backed government came in power in Afghanistan. The war is not finished yet. The repercussions of the war and the painful ramification are still there to be borne by the entire Afghan nation. The innocent people of the nation that have been victims of atrocities, carnage and massacre need centuries to recover from the wounds they had received during the years in war. Millions have been punished for reason either unknown or for the selfish motives of a few. The entire generation that has been born and raised during these years is a living proof of the ruthless and shameful exercise that has been conducted by some in the name of ‘international politics’ while others called it ‘religious war’. The children who had been orphaned, the women widowed, millions disabled and the rest have been subjected to physical, mental and psychological illnesses are the remnants of the war. The artists born during the war period paint only ruined cities and the poets write about deaths and destruction. I must ask the humanity “Is this fair?” Please think about it and answer your own conscience.
Sameer Hussaini

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